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INTEGRITY & LOVE- are our underlying frequency. We have a genuine love for people & are passionate about integrating humanity through the practices of yoga. We aim to cultivate sacred space for diverse bodies through intentional movement & mindfulness.


EDUCATION- We believe in constant evolution. We conduct Workshops, Teacher Training and CET (Continued Education for Teachers) on an ongoing basis to keep up with the standard of our teachers and students and HK yoga community.

COMMUNITY- Our people (team and students) are at the core of what we do, we strive to learn new perspectives by listening to, learning from & educating our community .Our students are our family. When you come to practice in our yoga home, you’ll have the opportunity to cultivate a healthier, more-vital body, a peaceful, centered mind and an awakened spirit! 



THE INDIVIDUAL JOURNEY- We aim to guide students in a safe way to reach new heights through specialised Group classes, Small group privates, Semi-privates and Private yoga sessions. We take close care of them as well as give them the space to explore through the various aspects of practice to cultivate a newfound sense of self-connection & appreciation for themselves & others. 



PRA means ‘Forth’ and NA means ‘To Breathe’ or ‘Movement’, so the word PRANA means ‘Breathing Forth’. It is also known as the ‘Life Force’ or body’s vital energy and refers to the idea that vital or life force energy is always dynamic. 


In Yogic philosophy we believe that yoga heals by releasing Prana, the body's vital energy. When Prana is blocked, illness can result.


In short ,our logo symbolises that yoga leads to the panic flow in the body which awakens the 7 main energy centres (represented by 7 different colours) and leads to the goal of yoga which is to attain Salvation through self realisation 



Symbolises a yogi in a state of meditation with uplifting panic energy.



Symbolises Universal Consciousness (God or Brahman) and that we all are surrounded by it.

In generic form it represents Earth.



Symbolises the 7 colours of the Chakras or main energy centres located in our body.


The passage of Prana helps to activate these centres which holds different characteristics and one needs to master them through the channelisation of the Prana in order to reach Salvation or Moksha 

Symbolises a yogi in a state of meditation with uplifting panic energy

Symbolises Universal Consciousness (God or Brahman) and that we all are surrounded by it.

In generic form it represents Earth.

Symbolises the 7 colours of the Chakras or main energy centres located in our body.


The passage of Prana helps to activate these centres which holds different characteristics and one needs to master them through the channelisation of the Prana in order to reach Salvation or Moksha 

In generic form it represents Earth.

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